Nights Away Notification Form

PURPOSE AND USE: This form provides the information a Commissioner (or their nominee) requires to APPROVE an event to take place (i.e. POR 9.1.2). The Permit holder is responsible for ensuring the appropriate Commissioner is informed about each section attending a nights away event (even a District or County event). For all Nights Away events the information below should be with your Commissioner (or their nominee) at least 7 days before the event (in normal circumstances). How the information is passed on will depend on local arrangements, but must be documented. Please ensure your Group Scout Leader / District Explorer Scout Commissioner is aware of the event.

The event must not go ahead until the Commissioner (or their nominee) has confirmed their approval.

Event Information
Approximate Numbers Attending
Is this event being run using Event Passports?
Event Dates
Venue Details
Event Leadership Information
Other Adults
Names of all adult members attending (with membership numbers) as well as all other adults e.g. parents, guardians etc.
Please list activities requiring permits or qualifications (including any planned contingency activities) providing details of the activity leader or provider i.e. names of individuals or businesses / organisations providing the activities
Planning and Preparation

As part of the planning and preparation for the Nights Away event the following documentation should be in place: programmes, attendance information, medical and emergency contact information for attendees, InTouch system, menus and written risk assessments.

You must provide a written risk assessment along with this form to your Commissioner (or their nominee). Other documentation (listed above) does not need to be provided with this form but must be available on request.

Please provide details of your InTouch system and the main contacts in the event of an emergency.
I confirm that if the planned activities cannot take place during this Nights Away event, the leadership team have considered alternatives and they will be carried out as per the local approval process.
I confirm that the Group Scout Leader / District Explorer Scout Commissioner is aware of this event taking place.
I confirm that the risks and control measures will be communicated to all adults and young people involved in the event, in an appropriate manner.